An Introduction to Waterproofing Methods

The concrete used in constructing buildings is impervious by nature, but most masonry contractors NYC agree that this remains true only theoretically. In reality, most buildings need some additional work to really make them waterproof, so that water is unable to enter.

Let us see a few parts of a typical building where the ingress of water usually takes place from. The building we see in front of us is almost like the tip of an iceberg, and a great part of the building (called the foundation) actually lies under the surface. Most of this is constantly in touch with moist soil or even underground water. Therefore, the basement of the building is a common place for water to seep in. Parts of the building which come into a lot of contact with water are also likely areas for seepage, like the kitchen, toilet or bathroom. The roof, terrace, and balconies also get a lot of contact with water during the rains, and ingress of water also takes place from these places, if the waterproofing contractors in Brooklyn NY have not made them impermeable enough. Finally, the overhead water tank is a very common place for seepage of water.

Roofs are most commonly waterproofed by using bituminous waterproofing, and this layer is also referred to commonly as coal tar. Many a masonry contractor Long Island NY uses brickbat Coba waterproofing by laying moist brickbat pieces over fresh mortar. For indoor areas like toilets, cementitious waterproofing is the most favoured method. Some other methods used sometimes are injection grouting and membrane type of waterproofing. The membrane method could either be with the help of a torch seal or with a self-adhesive type of membrane.

The whole purpose of a constructed building is to provide safety, security, and protection to the occupants, which is why it is very important that it should be perfectly waterproof. On the other hand, sidewalk repairs Brooklyn NY can be an eyesore or even have a risk of injury, but it won’t hamper the safe stay of anyone. In order to have the best quality of waterproofing work done on a structure, it is important to employ the services of a firm which has adequate experience of working on different kinds of structures. One such firm is Construction Repair NYC which can comfortably handle every type of waterproofing need in and around the New York area.
